“Przegląd Polsko-Polonijny”, formerly published by Stowarzyszenie Naukowe “Polska w Świecie” in cooperation with Instytut Wschodni at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, is now being released by Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna (University of Economics and Humanities) in Bielsko-Biała, under the new title of “Polonia Journal” which is connected with the recent changes in politics and due to the necessity to reach widespread audience. It will now on be released in the electronic version. Also, because of a wide spectrum of prospectus recipients it will be published in Polish and/or English and/or Russian.
The journal aims at making the knowledge of Polish diaspora as well as of Polish communities living abroad popular, by bringing this topic to the scheme of education provided by our University within the area of humanities and social sciences. “Polonia Journal” cooperates with the team of distinguished domestic and foreign academics, representing leading research centres which deal with the history of Polish diaspora worldwide. The Editorial Board consists of academics coming from 11 countries. The “Polonia Journal” is listed on the journals being given scientific recognition points, list B of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Everybody willing to publish, please find the detailed information and editorial requirements for the authors at